Redefining Wealth: Currency of Connection Virtual Workshop

Introducing a Unique Workshop for Multi-Family Offices

Redefining Wealth: Currency of Connection Virtual Workshop
Family Wealth Alliance - Fall Forum 2023

Introducing a Unique Virtual Workshop for Multi-Family Offices: The Currency of Connection

Are you tired of just talking about investment portfolios and asset classes? Discover what the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest-running study on human happiness, can teach multi-family offices about actually enriching the lives of their clients. This isn't a listen-only webinar; it's an interactive workshop for those who are ready for hands-on learning.

In this session, we'll introduce you to the concept of social fitness and its growing importance in wealth management. We'll dive deep into the hidden epidemic of loneliness and offer actionable strategies to cultivate authentic connections within families—the epicenter of our social universe.

We'll also explore the concept of non-financial investments. Drawing from the work of Jay Hughes, we'll discuss the five forms of family capital and how dedicating time, effort, and energy into these different capitals can yield dividends that are emotional and relational, rather than purely financial.

As we conclude, we'll offer take-home exercises and a Q&A session to further solidify these concepts. So, come prepared to participate, learn, and most importantly, take something meaningful back to your clients.

This workshop is designed to equip multi-family offices with the tools and perspectives necessary to truly serve clients in a holistic way, extending far beyond mere financial advice.

Workshop Outline

  • Introduction to Social Fitness
    • Defining social fitness and its components
    • Relevance in the multi-family office setting
  • Loneliness and Connection
    • The psychology of loneliness and its impact on well-being
    • Strategies for cultivating authentic family connections
  • Our Social Universe
    • The family as the central social structure
    • Periodic inventory of key relationships as valuable assets
  • Non-Financial Investments
    • Introduction to Jay Hughes' 5 forms of family capital
    • Investment as an act: Time, effort, and energy into different capitals
  • Closing Comments and Client Exercises
    • Summary of key points and their implications
    • Practical take-home exercises and open Q&A


  • Duration: This is a 60-minute workshop, jam-packed with 4-5 interactive exercises, tailored to the time and engagement level of the group.
  • Presenter: Your guide through this journey will be Alex Kirby, CEO of Total Family Management.
  • Audience: This workshop is ideal for up to 45 virtual attendees, which can include firm leaders, financial planners, advisors, and key employees of multi-family offices and wealth firms.
  • Takeaway: Attendees will leave with actionable insights into their own relationships, as well as practical exercises they can immediately apply with their clients.


  • For Existing TFM Partner Firms: This virtual workshop is already included in your partnership! Schedule your session anytime from December 2023 to June 2024, depending on availability.
  • For Non-Partner Firms: The investment is $3,495 and includes not only the delivery of the workshop but also a 1-year TFM pilot for one fortunate household within your firm. The household must enroll by the end of 2023, and scheduling is available from December 2023 to June 2024.

Call to Action

Ready to unlock the currency of connection for your firm? Book a discussion to learn more about this game-changing workshop using this link.